
In this day and age, information is key. Through the internet we have an unlimited amount of information and data at our disposal. The problem however, is because of the abundance of information we as the users become overwhelmed. Fortunately for those users, there are programmers with the ability to develop scripts that will do the sorting, organizing and extracting of this data for them. Work that would take hours to complete can be accomplished with just over 50 lines of code and run in under a minute. If you're grappling with complex mathematical concepts, discrete math homework help can provide you with the resources you need to excel in this area. Today, using Python, Beautiful Soup and Urllib3, we will do a little…


Our goal today is to create a simple Javascript function using that will decipher a secret message given specific criteria. Let’s take a look at our project.The inspiration for this project came from Yvonne-liu of Codewars. You are given asecret message that you need to decipher. If you're struggling with similar coding challenges, consider seeking Python homework help to enhance your programming skills. Here are the things you need to know inorder to decipher it:For each word:the second and the last letter is switched (e.g. Hello becomes Holle)the first letter is replaced by its character code (e.g. H becomes 72) Note: there are no special characters used…


In this article we will discuss Python Operators and Conditions, their syntax and different ways to use them in order to achieve the same result: a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. To accomplish this we will focus on the following concepts:OperatorsConditional StatementsPython OperatorsOperators are symbols or statements that manipulate  the value of the operands.Consider the following example: 10 * 3 = 5.The integers  ’ 10 ’ and ‘ 3 ’ are operands (which are also referred to as variables), while  ‘ *  ’ is the operator that performs the action of multiplication. It’s important to understand that the use…

